Pitch Grip Golf

Lag Pressure Trainer


Full scope design program: initial concept development sketching, logo design, brand language development, aesthetic development, clay ergonomics modeling, 3D print prototyping, manufacturing CAD, surface modeling, manufacturing specification package, factory management, procurement and evaluation of production samples, website design.   







I don't take every job I come across.  I've had people get angry at me for not accepting their life savings to help them develop a product, only to have them email me a year later saying that it didn't work out with the firm they hired and that they want to continue but have no funds.  Trying to develop a successful product is like trying to be a successful actor. It's challenging, the odds are against you, there is major competition, and it can ruin your finances.  I won't partner with people who aren't aware of that, and I can't partner with people who only bring an idea to the table.  No one will champion your ideas for you, but if you are willing to champion them, and I see determination within you, then we will make a great team.  The initial meeting is used to discover those who have a shot, and the following is an example of one such client. 

Questions for Client:


What is the idea?

"Pitch Grip will be the only golf swing training aid that focuses on lag pressure training.  The idea came to me from a book titled The Golf Machine which outlines the mechanics of golfing.  After reading the book, it also clicked that legendary golfer Ben Hogan often talked about this seldom understood mechanism of the swing."  

What makes it novel?

"There is no tool out there today that trains this aspect of the swing. Not only that, but many professionals and instructors aren't even aware of lag pressure and how much it can alter a swing."

How far along is the project?

"I have some CAD filed you might be able to use, but really I think we need to start from scratch."

Is the client championing the idea?

In short, Yes.

What skill set does the client bring to the table?

The client is a successful serial entrepreneur with a background in sales.  This makes them a perfect candidate as they bring skills (namely salesmanship) to the table that I do not possess. This will be infinitely important to the potential success. 

How will this be funded?

Client will be funding out of pocket.

What is the desired timeline?

"Yesterday...but ideally we should be able to hit the next holiday season [one year], which probably means product in professionals hands within 6 months."




At the start of the project, I was given an initial 3D print developed by the previous design firm.  It was a great platform to begin adding clay and removing plastic until proper ergonomics were reached.




Once the ergonomics were decided on, proper aesthetics needed to be developed. 

Pitch Grip v17 both sides 3 options with hands-01.jpg


Branding was developed in colaberatation with Chelsea Hubbs.

Pitch Grip Logos plus sign Both-01.jpg



This project required using clay to adjust the ergonomics, taking photos of side/top/front, placing those photos in CAD to alter the model, printing a new prototype and repeating until the final 3D model was perfect.



Once the aesthetics and ergonomics were decided, the production CAD was completed with extensive surface modeling.  



Quick ideation on packaging.



It can be difficult to perfectly convey ideas.  When clarification was needed, I tried to be as illustrative and concise as possible.



This was my first website, and I was very excited to have the opportunity.



After 8 months of designing, waiting, testing, communicating, adjusting, etc, we finally have clubs in production and for sale.

Full Club #2 - Copy 6250x1500-02-02.jpg

Full Club

black club head 1 smaller centered-01.jpg

Club Head

Close up logos and disclaimer v2 cutoff3000x2000-01.jpg

Shaft Detail


Close up logos and disclaimer vert centered-01.jpg
